For all discount codes and promotions: If your order total falls below the threshold for free shipping after applying the discount code, then shipping charges will still apply. It's important to remember that the discount only applies to the items being purchased, and shipping costs will be calculated after the discount is applied.

Funko 4 For 3 Promotion (Ended)
 The discount is automatically applied at checkout and cannot be combined with other offers. If your order total falls below £30 after the discount is applied, you will not qualify for free shipping, but you can add more items to bring your total above £30.

Please note, if you wish to return any Funkos, you must return all of them, or forfeit the offer. For example, if you buy 3 and get 1 free, and then return 1, the refund will be calculated based on the price of the 3 items you’re keeping. If this brings your total below £30, we will adjust your refund to cover the shipping cost.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to us via email at


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